Another Short-term Training Course was Summed Up

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The course "Fundamentals of Human Resources Management" organized by ASUE Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division was summed up yesterday, on February 22. The professional circle of the participants of the course, which started on January 26, was wide: ASUE employees, students, graduates, people interested in the topic.

The training was conducted by Nane Zeynalyan, a specialist, who has provided HR consulting to a number of Armenian organizations, a coach, and the head of the human resources management and organizational development department of “Basic Corporation” organization.

Lusine Danielyan, Director of ASUE External Relations Department, congratulated the participants, noting that ASUE has been successfully positioned in the market of short-term courses especially during the last year, trying to break the stereotype that the University gives only academic knowledge.

Trainer Nane Zeynalyan mentioned that the participants were quite active, the results of the knowledge tested at the end of the course were quite well, this is an important indicator.

The participants were also satisfied with the format of the online course.

Let us recall, this was the third online course organized by ASUE.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division