“Jean Monnet Module” program was finalized in ASUE

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On June 14, the closing ceremony of the three-year “Jean Monnet Module” program “EU politics, policies and polity” took place in ASUE.

We should mention that “Jean Monnet Module” was included in the master’s study program of “International Economic Relations”. ASUE Rector, Professor of the Chair of International Economic Relations, Doctor of Economics Diana Galoyan, Professor of the same chair, Doctor of Economics Zoya Tadevosyan, and lecturer, PhD in Economics Albert Hayrapetyan have lectured within the frames of this module.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan pointed out in her speech that this program was unprecedented and had success, and thanks to new courses and different events ASUE master’s students have acquired thorough and comprehensive economic, political and legal knowledge on European Union as well as obtained new skills.

Afterwards, Albert Hayrapetyan presented the implemented scientific and teaching activities within the module to the students and guests, as well as addressed the organized events and roundtable discussions.

Beneficiaries of the module, master’s students of International Economic Relations of ASUE, took part in the closing ceremony. Quiz including questions on the subjects of the module referring to the history and activities of EU institutes, economic and external policy, as well as RA-EU relations was organized for the participants. At the end of the quiz, rather active students Anushik Manukyan, Marianna Zakaryan and Liana Galoyan were awarded the incentive prizes.

Guests also held speeches in the end of the closing ceremony congratulating ASUE on the occasion of effective and successful implementation of the module.

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