The program of CBA of Talents Recruitment was presented at ASUE

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Central Bank of Armenia has started the new pilot program of Talents Recruitment. It will open a new way for young people to enter the Central Bank, to learn how to participate in projects of strategic significance (in three subdivisions) as well as to get permanent employment, acquire international experience and get paid.

Representatives of the Central Bank of Armenia visited ASUE to present the program Talents Recruitment on April 29.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan hosted the bank representatives before the meeting with students. The Rector pointed out that she was happy to host representatives of CBA as the bank is the best partner of ASUE and students and graduates are also interested in the Central Bank. The rector attached importance to the opportunities to expand cooperation between the university and the bank and highlighted that ASUE graduates always found employment at CBA.

The meeting with students was held in the warm atmosphere. Tatevik Avanesyan, who has recently joined the CBA, but is the business manager of the corporate division, is sure that one should love the job they do to achieve success.

CBA has always been the most attractive employer in the financial market of Armenia. Many people think that CBA only employs specialists with knowledge in finance but Tatevik pointed out: “CBA needs specialists of different specialties: from lawyers to linguists”.

Director of corporate services and development department of CBA Ara Chalabyan assured that the primary problem for the future program implementation is the preparation and recruitment of quality specialists.

This new program of CBA for the recruitment of young specialists is for youth with creative and flexible thinking who never stop learning and improving.