The regular monitoring of the Minerva program has taken place

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The regular monitoring within the frames of the Minerva program (Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia) took place on June 16 at ASUE. It was carried out by the Professor of Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, program manager Rodica Krudun and financial manager of the program Anna Madane.

Members of the monitoring team have met ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, Vice-rector for Science Tatul Mkrtchyan and ASUE coordinator of Minerva program Nerses Gevorgyan.

During the meeting, Vice-rector Tatul Mkrtchyan and program coordinator Nerses Gevorgyan have presented the implemented activities and achievements within the frames of the program, establishment of technical and content infrastructures, installation of mechanisms against plagiarism and breach of academic ethics and the establishment of research results archive in ASUE.

Monitoring results were presented to the Rector Diana Galoyan. Members of the monitoring commission highly assessed the works carried out.

Parties have also discussed the further activities to be implemented within the frames of the program.