The Republican Competition Organized by ASUE Was Summed up With an Award Ceremony and Cognitive-cultural Program

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The Republican Competition organized by the Armenian State University of Economics for the promotion and development of economic education for high school graduates (12th grade) was summed up. On March 19, the participants wrote essays on "Why Become an Economist?"

Today, University Leadership and Student Council, the participating pupils and their parents were hosted at ASUE Big Hall and the winners are to be awarded. ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan greeted and congratulated those present, emphasizing that it was really difficult to single out the best essays, as there were many works worthy of praise. As the Rector mentioned, taking into account this circumstance, the commission has decided, in addition to prize places, to award the authors of more than a dozen remarkable ones. The Head of the University congratulated the participants of the competition and expressed hope that in the new academic year we’ll see them at ASUE.

The day was solemn and filled with celebration, especially for those, who were awarded the title of winner and prizes. The cultural program prepared by ASUE talented students, their inspiring speeches and videos about the University gave a festive breath to the event.

Thus, 17 out of 88 students who took part in the competition were awarded prizes, including 6 participants - vouchers for ASUE "Tntesaget" sport-health resort, 11 - T-shirts with ASUE logo and other gifts.

Here are the winners:

  1. Mary Abrahamyan – High School of Yeghegnadzor, Vayots Dzor Region,
  2. Sona Mirumyan – N13 High School after Orbeli, Hrazdan, Kotayk Region,
  3. Roza Saroyan – N1 School, Maralik, Shirak Region.

They were awarded a scholarship of 100 thousand AMD, which they will get in case of being admitted to ASUE. Rector Diana Galoyan awarded the prizes.

After the solemn ceremony the guests took a tour around the University.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division