Tigran Mnatsakanyan – Vice Rector of Science and International Relations

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Tigran Mnatsakanyan was appointed Vice Rector of Science and International Relations by the acting Rector Ruben Hayrapetyan’s decree.

He is a PhD in Economics. Since 2009 he carried out scientific-pedagogical activity at ASUE: developing and teaching theory of management, theory of managerial decision making, financial management, public relations management, network planning, social management, management basics, strategic management, human resource management, risk management, general theory of management systems training programs, scientific supervision of graduate works and master theses, teaching in foreign student group and scientific supervision of master thesis on civil servants retraining, decision making, communication and time management.

He has managed police development and implementation division in the National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance foundation. He has also taken other posts. He has been trained in Italy, authored a number of scientific works.

Here is the Vice Rector’s biography.

Congratulations and good luck.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division