Today is the Anniversary of ASUE Rector

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Dear Diana  Galoyan,

Let us congratulate You on your birthday, wish You health and energy, personal and work success, and boundless strength and optimism in solving the difficult and responsible problems set before You.

As the Head of a higher education institution, a scientist and a pedagogue, You combine such human qualities, professional and managerial skills, due to which, undoubtedly, the economic education in Armenia, and the provider of that education - the Mother University of Economics, will reach a new level.

May all your initiatives, which are born of your unique ability to feel the pulse of modernity, to respond to challenges, to move forward in the spirit of progress, be crowned with new achievements for the benefit of our people, for the benefit of our homeland.

Congratulations again  and we wish You many decades of life.

P.S.  We present some moments of Diana Galoyan's activity by the  attached photos.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division