Training course within the “Minerva” program

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Training course for researchers within the “Minerva” program (“Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia”) took place at Armenian State University of Economics on September 13 aimed at strengthening institutional capacities of ASUE as well as implementation of open education principles.

The aim of the training course is to group the current research potential, expand it based on the European experience and encourage the development of high quality research results.

Topics of the training course are:

  • Effective implementation of open education concepts at ASUE,
  • Principles of integrity of scientific research works,
  • Issues of quality increase of scientific research works,
  • Issues of implementation of integrity principles and European Research Council at ASUE.

The training course was implemented by Vice Rector for Science of ASUE Tatul Mkrtchyan and head of ASUE Science Division Tigran Martirosyan.