Two ASUE Students Got the Opportunity to Participate in the "Hotel Management" Course For Free

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Within the frames of the cooperation between ASUE and the Armenian Tourism Federation 2 ASUE students were given the opportunity to participate in the course on "Hotel Management" held from September 27 to October 8. The training was organized within the frames of the "Skills and Knowledge Development" pilot program implemented in cooperation with the Armenian Tourism Federation and Strategic Development Agency, aimed at providing the service sector with high-quality staff. The students were selected by the CVs and motivation letters. As a result, Alisa Galstyan, the 2nd year student of the Faculty of Management and Tatevik Avagyan, the 3rd year student of the same Faculty, had the opportunity to participate in the training and study hotel management skills.

The training was conducted by Mkrtich Grigoryan, a specialist with more than 20 years of experience in the field, Chief Manager of "Ani Grand" hotel, and Mekhak Apresyan, President of the Armenian Tourism Federation.