Final certification process launched at ASUE by the protection of final works

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The final certification process has been launched at our university by the protection of the final works and master's thesises.
ASUE Vice-Rector on Educational Matters Mihrdat Harutyunyan informs that the protection of final works and master’s thesis for Full-time bachelor’s and master’s degree students will be from April 25 to May 28 and the protection of final works for Part-time bachelor’s degree students will be from May 29-June 20. The Vice-Rector assured that the process is properly organized. Chairmen of final attestation committees have been approved and everything was organized according to the established order.
Today was the protection of final works for 11 students of the 4th year of Full-time Bachelor’s degree of International Economic Relations specialty. Head of the chair Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Diana Galoyan told that members of committee were satisfied, and even admired with some works. 
Good luck to graduate students.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division