The Activities Of The University Of Economics For 2020 Were Approved: New, Ambitious Programs Are Ahead

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The first session of ASUE Scientific Board in this year was held at ASUE Big Hall headed by the Chair, Doctor of  Sciences, Professor Diana Galoyan.

The Rector reported the first issue of the agenda  - the annual report on the activities of ASUE for 2020, presenting the main results of the activities of ASUE for 2020 and the budget estimate for 2021.

Diana Galoyan noted that for the first time this year the report was presented in accordance with the action program of the ASUE development strategy for 2018-2022, and budget planning was carried out in the format of program budgeting.

The Rector's speech, briefly presenting the university's annual report, is  available here.

The Scientific Board approved the annual report of the University's activities for 2020.

Other issues were discussed in accordance with the agenda of the session.

The whole information is available in the Armenian version.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division