There Is a Light That Gives Hope In The Eyes Of Each Of The Students Participating In The War: Meri Badalyan

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In recent months, the Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, Meri Badalyan, has met students - future accountants, who participated in the war, including conscripted ones and volunteers.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division asked the Dean to summarize the meetings, present the results of this wonderful initiative, tell about the special attention that student-soldiers are paid, as well as about the students' attitude  regarding studies and the Motherland.

“The idea of meeting my hero students was spontaneous: Chair of the Faculty Student Council Christine Hakobyan once told me that two of our student soldiers are at the University and want to meet me. I invited them to my office, inquired about their service, and they told me about their exploits. It turned out to be a very interesting and informative conversation. After that, I decided to meet with all the students of our Faculty who took part in the hostilities. I must say that each of them is a hero worthy of encouragement and praise. In the eyes of each of them there is a light that gives hope, makes us live”; Mary Badalyan noted.

The Dean highlighted that after the war students attach even more importance to education and are determined to receive a quality education.

According to the Dean, such meetings will be long-term, new military-patriotic conversations are ahead, and students who participated in hostilities will be able to become stakeholders of the program of the RA Government on compensation of tuition fees.

P. S. Photos provided by the Dean.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division