Economic University has Initiated Institutional Accreditation Process

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Institutional accreditation validity period granted to the Armenian State University of Economics for 4 years on the decree of Accreditation Commission, “National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation (ANQA) on March 21, 2015, expires in 2019, and ASUE has initiated institutional accreditation process.

Today, Rectorate Board’s extended session was conducted on organizational issues of the process, attended by Rectorate Board’s members, Heads of Chairs and Heads of Divisions.

Acting Rector Ruben Hayrapetyan made opening remarks, first introducing the University newly appointed members – Mher Parvanyan, Director of Finance and Paruir Jangulyan, Director of Foreign Relations Department, urging the collective to cooperate with them in a positive atmosphere of partnership. “Mher Parvanyan, Paruir Jangulyan – they are dedicated to our common affair, goals and ideas, so I suggest to cooperate and support each other”; Ruben Hayrapetyan stated. Then the University Head noted that the accreditation initiated by ASUE is one of the most important processes of the University and all divisions must have their active and responsible involvement.

Nerses Gevorgyan, Head of Quality Assurance Division presented the working process, noting that it has two main components: internal quality assurance, including self-analysis and presentation of external evaluation. Nerses Gevorgyan presented the expected activities in detail and proposed to actively engage in the process.

Paruir Kalantaryan, Vice Rector of Educational and Methodological Matters presented the names of nominal scholarship holders and the decree was established. Here is the previous publication.

In addition to other issues, the University Head touched upon the effective organization of teaching process, urging to exclude the lectures on the dictation method and to provide the students with the necessary training material properly.

"Our final goal is that students receive a high quality education and we’ll achieve this goal. All lecturers should support this process and do not allow any failure”; Ruben Hayrapetyan stated.

Students’ applications were discussed among the current issues.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division