Employee of ASUE Foreign Relations Division was Trained at Porto University

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On March 11-15, Arpine Jraghatspanyan, senior specialist of ASUE Foreign Relations Division attended international training week at Porto University, Portugal, within the frames of “Erasmus +” administrative staff mobility program.

Our colleague submitted detailed information on the visit stating that more than 25 delegates from 13 countries shared their experience and knowledge, discussed projects aimed at internationalization of higher education and their importance, quality assurance and monitoring of mobility programs, a number of issues related to international education programs.

The internationalization strategy of Porto University, key initiatives and achievements, as well as innovative and modern digital tools, which greatly contribute to the increase of productivity in this area were presented to the participants, they also visited the UPTEC, got acquainted with the latter’s main activity and peculiarities.

As a result of the trainings, arrangements have been reached with six universities to further develop inter-university cooperation.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division