From ASUE student to ASUE employee: Venera Karapetyan

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Each graduate, when joining ASUE staff, brings knowledge, unique style and special features.

The new series "From ASUE student to ASUE employee" is devoted to ASUE graduates that are currently our young colleagues.

The first hero of our series is Venera Karapetyan, graduate of ASUE Faculty of Accounting and Audit, an employee of the Chair of Financial Accounting.

- What did you gain from your university education?

- University education has opened opportunities to acquire skills of quick learning and discovering one's own potential.

- What is your daily motivation to work?

- Frankly speaking, the most important motivation is the desire to create value. It is necessary to create value by consistently improving your quality of work.

- What is your advice to freshmen?

- I would like to point out that the most interesting and responsible period of life for them is beginning. You should spend a lot of time with your peers and friends. But never forget about the second issue: these are the most responsible years, so it is necessary to get educated and constantly develop, as time flies fast.