The last session of ASUE Scientific Council for the academic year 2022-2023 was held

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The session was chaired by ASUE Rector, President of the Scientific Council Diana Galoyan.

There were two items on the agenda: the reports of the Dean of the Faculty of Economic Regulation and International Economic Relations and Dean of the Faculty of Finance.

Grigor Nazaryan, Dean of the Faculty of Economic Regulation and International Economic Relations and Vahe Mikayelyan, Dean of the Faculty of Finance presented their reports on the implementation of educational and research activities carried out in the faculties during the first semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. When addressing the educational performance, they underlined that it continues to stay high in full-time educational system. They also presented information about the scientific research activities, highlighting the scientific publications of the academic staff, and involvement of faculty members and students in international programs as well.

Tatul Mkrtchyan, Vice-rector for Science, presented the item concerning the approval of the topics of theses and scientific supervisors. The Scientific Council has also recommended the publication of "ASUE Quality Assurance Manual" co-authored by ASUE Rector, Doctor, Professor Diana Galoyan, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, PhD, Associate Professor Armen Grigoryan, Head of the quality assurance division, PhD, Associate Professor Karen Grigoryan, and the Dean of the Faculty of Economic Regulation and International Economic Relations Faculty, Ph.D., Associate Professor Grigor Nazaryan.

When finalizing the session, Rector Diana Galoyan underlined that the university has had a number of achievements in this period, namely number of applicants has increased not only at the bachelor's but also at master's degree programs, the reform process of the educational programs is ongoing, as well as success of the internationalization process: expansion of the network of programs and partners, organization of major events, consistent steps towards the rating process, as well as training of professors and employees.