Associate Professor from ASUE recently visited the Athens University of Economics and Business

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As part of the "Erasmus +" program, Karine Asryan, Associate Professor of the ASUE Chair of Management, visited the Athens University of Economics and Business in Greece from May 11 to May 18. During her visit, Karine Asryan delivered a lecture to international students of the Faculty of Business and Marketing. The lecture has concluded with a lively discussion on "Neuro-marketing in the Business Strategy of Companies (on the case of Startups)."

Professor Karine Asryan from ASUE also held meetings and discussions with Dr. Flora Kokinaki, Professor and Coordinator of the "Erasmus+" program. These discussions focused mainly on improving teaching methods, exchanging best practices, and exploring implementation possibilities. Additionally, an effective discussion on modern methods of strategy development through neuro-marketing, as well as trends and challenges in business digitalization, was conducted within the same program. This discussion included another invited lecturer, Professor Seng Yoon Shin from Sungsil University in South Korea.