Erasmus partners visit ASUE

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Within the frames of "Erasmus+" international mobility program, ASUE has recently hosted the representatives of the academic and administrative staff of Malta, Poznan and RISEBA universities.

Andrew Galea, Director of the Institute of Business Administration and Commerce, Malta University of Arts, Science and Technology, visited our university on May 22-26. He discussed the issues concerning the effective cooperation of our universities, the implementation of joint scientific, educational and research activities, and new opportunities for the international mobility of the academic and administrative staff with Lusine Danielyan, Director of ASUE Department of External Affairs. Lusine Danielyan introduced the ways of expansion of the university’s external relations and internationalization of the university.

Zigmund Waszkowski, lecturer at the Poznan University of Economics and Business (Poland), Head of Marketing Strategies Department was at ASUE from May 29 to June 2. He lectured on "Evolution and Dimensions of Marketing Orientation" for ASUE students.

During the same time period, coordinator of international students of RISEBA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia) Karine Manucharyan was our guest. She discussed the issues of expansion of inbound and outbound mobility exchange programs and the ongoing cooperation of our universities with the employees of ASUE International Relations Division.

Dr. Edgar Weiss from the Vienna University of Applied Sciences (Austria), Director of the Department of Social and Methodological Competences and Change Management was at ASUE from May 31 to June 5. He lectured on "Human factors in the projects: decision-making under the conditions of uncertainty" and "Organizational behavior: establishment and management of teams" for ASUE students.

Edgar Weiss also visited ASUE "Amberd" Research Center, got familiar with the center's activities and research directions.