Discussion on "Women in Contemporary Society" at ASUE

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On April 3, the Armenian State University of Economics hosted a thought-provoking panel discussion entitled "Women in Contemporary Society" organized by the Literary Club of ASUE dedicated to the celebration of women's month in Armenia. The event attracted both students and professors.

Distinguished guests of this panel discussion were Ani Maghakyan, a screenwriter, author, and journalist, best known for the book "Taknuvra"; Arpine Galstyan, a philologist and novelist famous for the works such as "Satan is a Woman from Venus" and "Help Me Die", and Lili Mkrtchyan, an ASUE graduate. Their insightful contributions enriched the dialogue, delving into topics such as the evolving role of women in society, avenues for self-expression, and the intersection of various professions.

The discussion also tackled the challenges faced by women in their professional domains, with a candid exploration of pertinent issues. Attendees actively engaged with the speakers, posing questions and contributing to the exchange of ideas.

The event provided a platform for reflection and dialogue on experiences and aspirations of women in the contemporary world.

Photos from the event are on ASUE official Facebook page.