Workshop to jointly solve university-employer problems

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At the end of the job fair, workshop on "Development prospects of ASUE - labor market cooperation" was held at the university, and representatives of university partner organizations and human resource management specialists were present.

Welcoming workshop participants, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan expressed her gratitude for their active participation in the Labor Fair, underlined the fact that the university cooperates successfully with many people and is always open to new partnership proposals that will prepare qualified and smart personnel for the labor market.

Head of the Department of Labor and Employment of the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, ASUE lecturer, PhD, Associate Professor Zhora Sargsyan pointed out that the significant representation of employers at the fair proves their high confidence in the university. "The level of the fairs we organize every year proves that everything is implemented in the right manner.

Tatevik Vardanyan, Head of ASUE Career Center, introduced the current situation of ASUE-labor market cooperation, referred to the possibilities of lifelong education and development of cooperative relationships with colleagues at the University of Economics.

Acknowledging the proposals and suggestions of the employers referring to the titles of graduation and master's theses, the design and modernization of professional educational programs in organizations, the development of jointly organized research activities, Rector Diana Galoyan assured that their proposals will be further discussed with the ASUE Career Center.