University of Economics Hosted Workshop on University-Employer Dialogue

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Today, ASUE hosted workshop dedicated to University-employer partnership, attended by representatives and Heads of a number of organizations.

ASUE acting Rector Diana Galoyan welcomed the guests, noting that event aimed at establishing and strengthening University-employer relations. The Head of the University stated that this workshop was an attempt to get acquainted with the requirements of the employers and to eliminate the gap between the University and the labor market. "We expect our employers to be involved in the training process, from developing training programs to conducting internship”; Diana Galoyan stated and added that the University of Economics is open for discussion.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Armen Grigoryan introduced the process of developing and implementing educational programs at ASUE, highlighting benchmarking, involving well-established labor market specialists.

Head of ASUE Change Lab Karen Sargsyan touched upon ASUE Change Lab-employers interaction, prospects for identifying and solving employers' problems, emphasizing that the creation of the laboratory was arisen from the requirements of employers.

Head of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division Aghavni Hakobyan drew the attendees’ attention to the organization of short-term courses at ASUE, enabling partner organization specialists to hold open lectures at ASUE, creation of ASUE Alumni Network e-mail database.

After the reports, a discussion was held, representatives of organizations came up with issues of concern, presented existing problems, and exchanged ideas on how to solve them.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division