Member of Yeghegnadzor Branch Lectured at German University and Attended Armenian National Event

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From April 29 to May 3, Garik Siroyan, Associate Professor of ASUE Yeghegnadzor Branch, PhD in Economics, was hosted in University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (Germany) within frames of “Erasmus +” program, delivered lecture on “Migration and Human Capital Reproduction” .

ASUE representative in German University touched upon issues related to migration as social, economic, demographic and humanitarian phenomenon, causes, consequences and its impact on the reproduction of human and social capital.

In addition to lectures and participation in learning process, ASUE delegate had meetings with faculty and leading staff of the Faculty of Economics , discussed the opportunities for enhancing cooperation both at research and teacher professional development, based on successful experiences recorded within the frames of "Erasmus +" and other programs. Ways to implement a joint Master’s degree program or to conduct a distance learning program were discussed with Matthias Richter, Professor, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Professor Christian Schumann.

The visit was enriched with national cultural event. On April 30, Suren Minasyan, the 1st year Master’s degree student of ASUE Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, Lilia Mnatsakanyan and Syuzi Vanoyan, the 3rd year students of the Faculty of Finance, Arpine Matevosyan, the 2nd year student, Hayk Kalantaryan, the 3rd year student of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, organized Armenian national event, attended by faculty members of the university, students, residents of Zwickau, Armenian community representatives, participants of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Alumni Forum from Armenia and different countries.

ASUE members presented Armenian culture, history of Armenian people, cuisine, Armenian traditional dishes and dessert accompanied by national songs and dances. Garik Siroyan has supported the proper organization of the event. The Armenian national event received a wide response and was covered by the German press and at the official website of the university.

P.S. “Erasmus +” program is coordinated by International Relations Division of Foreign Relations Department.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division