Zukhra Yervandyan's New Monograph "Grigor Gurzadyan's World Of Thoughts and Reflections" Has Been Published

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The monograph "Grigor Gurzadyan's World Of Thoughts and Reflections" authored by Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Division of Languages at ASUE, a member of the Writers' Union of the Republic of Armenia and the Writers' Union of the Republic of Artsakh Zukhra Yervandyan was published.

The monograph is devoted to the analysis of the features of the thematic system and expressive means of thoughts and reflections of Grigor Gyurzadyan, the world famous astrophysicist, painter, philosopher and great thinker.

We congratulate our dear colleague and wish her new creative successes.

The whole article is available in the Armenian version.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division