
Գտնվել է 9 նորություն

The Second Issue of “Tntesaget” - Online

Dear reader, visitor, this issue of the magazine reflects the spring of our life trials in the whole palette, including the influences of the COVID 19, all the layers of our University activity in March-April-May, the difficult but successful process of educational and work reorganization, University birthday....

Today is Armenian Press Day

October 16 is marked as Armenian Press Day by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia signed on April 22, 2004. The first Armenian "Azdarar" periodical was published on this day in 1794. “Tntesaget” magazine, reflecting ASUE life, has been published for many years and always presents its audience...

New Issue of TNTESAGET Magazine

The May-June issue of the magazine touches upon the University events: daily and festive measures, discovers new authors and gives a new breath to the traditional themes. This issue includes the final attestation process, the graduation concert, the outcomes of graduate research, important economic and interesting...

New edition of “Tntesaget” magazine summarizes the academic year

"Tntesaget" new edition summarizes the academic year. New edition of "Tntesaget" has already been delivered to the administrative divisions. The lecturers and students who are not on vacation, can get magazines from the Media and Public Relations Division. E-version is available on the ASUE official website (

“TNTESAGET” Gives New Year Mood to Everybody

The festive "Tntesaget" is full of New Year mood from the  first pages: from the cover we  feel   the  holiday, then Koryun Atoyan, ASUE Rector, congratulates the academic staff and students of the University. The Head of University wishes everybody optimism, happiness, united and productive...

Spring edition of “Tntesaget” magazine was published

“March-April” edition of “Tntesaget” magazine  was published. Interesting  articles  and  publications are  waiting for  you. The  electronic version is already posted in ASUE  official website Wish you pleasant reading. ASUE Media  and Public  Relations ...

Today is Armenian Press Day

Along with the large family pf Armenian Press its modest contribution has ASUE Media and Public Relations Division preparing the ASUE official magazine "Economist", ASUE official website and Facebook page. We warmly congratulate all the people who are investing their energy and creating the continuing history...

After 100 years

100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide brought all Armenians together around the great national tragedy memory of the 20th century, to mourn and remember the innocent victims, to consolidate and show the world the invincible and unconquerable nature of Armenians, to signal and to raise our own voice against...


Today  is  the  day  of  Armenian  press.  "Azdarar",  the  first  of  Armenian  press,  was  born  on October 16,  1794,  far  from   our  country,  in  Madras, India,  by  great  efforts  of  Harutyun  Shmavonyan.  This  opened  a  new  and  important  page,  witnessing   about  cultural and educational   great  ...