After 100 years

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100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide brought all Armenians together around the great national tragedy memory of the 20th century, to mourn and remember the innocent victims, to consolidate and show the world the invincible and unconquerable nature of Armenians, to signal and to raise our own voice against ethnic or religious violence and murder.

The slogan "I remember and demand" is directed to each of us: we remember our past, we know our history, and we know ourselves. “We demand” means we are determined to fight for our rights and justice. We shall not allow Turkey to distort historical facts and we shall demand responsibility.

University's official magazine "The Economist" has made an extensive reference to 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the January-February issue. The issue of March-April is also rich with articles related to this topic authored by scientists and professors of our University, as well as events organized by our students.

Referring to that period of our history from the point of historical science, economic history, literature and art ASUE joins the “remember and demand” slogan, combining his voice for justice, for humanity and peace.

Today, after 100 years, you can see a march of memory and bow on the way to the Tsitsernakaberd memorial, which is a pilgrimage of the ideals of humanity, goodwill and consolidation.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.