Job Fair at ASUE yard with the Participation of More Than 50 Employers and About 4,000 Job Seekers

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On October 8, the long-awaited Job Fair took place at the yard of the Armenian State University of Economics, organized by the joint efforts of the University of Economics, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Joint Social Service of the same Ministry, with the support of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports. The Job Fair brought together the representatives of state agencies, organizations representing more than 50 leading companies in different spheres of economy: banks, insurance companies, credit, educational, accounting, auditing, telecommunication and other.

Welcoming the participants of the Fair and thanking the employer partners, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan mentioned that the University of Economics strongly highlights the close cooperation with the employers, revealing their needs and, accordingly, implementing changes in educational programs. "We want to educate students, who will be endowed with the abilities and skills which are required in today’s labor market. I hope that the Job Fair will give an opportunity to our students and the participants of the event to be employed, as I am sure, there is a job, for which quality education and relevant skills are required” ; Diana Galoyan stated.

"The day is symbolic, because yesterday we celebrated the World Day for Decent Work"; welcoming those present, noted Narek Mkrtchyan, the RA Minister of Labor and Social Affairs. According to the Minister, such events give an opportunity to unite both employers and job seekers, such as universities and secondary vocational education institutions, on the same platform. "This labor market should greatly facilitate the meeting of employers and people who want to work. The Government greatly highlights holding such events. It is important to understand the demands of the labor market in order to bring a more targeted order to the academic sphere, which will give an opportunity to prepare appropriate personnel for the labor market"; said the Minister.

Karen Trchunyan, RA Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports emphasized the importance of such events for the students. "Meetings and private talks, which are provided by the Job Fair, have a stimulating effect for students to communicate with employers, to understand what knowledge and skills they need to have a good job"; the Deputy Minister stated, adding that such events should be annual, more inclusive enabling students to understand their place and position in the labor market. Karen Trchunyan also expressed confidence that many students will find their jobs today, thanks to the Job Fair.

After the welcoming speeches, Diana Galoyan, walked around the pavilions, talked to the employers and the other participants of the Job Fair.

In total, about 4,000 job seekers took part in the Job Fair, who had the opportunity to get acquainted with the job offers of more than 50 employers.