MINERVA Monitoring Meeting Was Hosted at ASUE: ASUE Outcomes were Highly Evaluated

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On October 5, another monitoring meeting-discussion of the EU Erasmus + K2 MINERVA project (Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs In Moldova and Armenia) was hosted at ASUE, which was attended by ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, Tatul Mkrtchyan, Vice Rector for Science, Olesia Sirbu, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of the Moldovan Academy of Economics, Nerses Gevorgyan, Head of ASUE Fundraising Division, the project coordinator, Evgenya Bazinyan, Head of ASUE PhD Division, team members, students and PhDs.

The University of Economics has been a member of the program since 2019, in the frames of which it carries out self-analysis of the scientific-research sphere arising from ASUE strategy.

Welcoming those present, Diana Galoyan emphasized that the MINERVA project has a special significance for ASUE ․ “Our tasks include two main phases: to ensure our University's membership to EURAXESS, and to plan the sequence of steps to achieve the degree of Human Resources Excellence in Research. I think the program coordinator will give a more objective assessment of how we have succeed at this stage. I am sure that we’ll have a long-term cooperation and after the successful completion of this project, we will implement other projects together".

In response, Olesia Sirbu expressed hope that the last year of cooperation will be spent in a friendly and warm atmosphere of friendship. Touching upon the target goals, the work done and the achievements of the project, she noted with satisfaction that ASUE has carried out serious and consistent work towards both membership to EURAXESS and achieving the degree of excellence. "I must admit that we are an ambitious team: we have set a rather high bar for ourselves and we try to achieve it. I am glad to say that the University of Economics, among the project partner Universities, has the best fulfilled its tasks in this project”.

ASUE project coordinator Nerses Gorgyan noted; "This was a report of what was done and what was not․ The academic community has already recognized the importance and advantage of open science principles. I am glad that our work has been evaluated positively, and in case of a positive outcomes, we will receive the title of Excellence in “HR Excellence in Research", which will show that the policy of development of institutional capacity of human resources in the field of research and science is on a good basis at our University”.

Summing up the results of the consultation, Evgenya Bazinyan, Head of ASUE PhD Division, mentioned that this was the first monitoring, and, it’s fact, that ASUE was evaluated by a superior degree in all points. As for the membership to EURAXESS, the application submitted by ASUE is already at the stage of examination. "Membership to EURAXESS within the frames of MINERVA was a mandatory requirement. During this period we conducted a research self-analysis: identifying shortcomings, gaps, proposing actions to eliminate each gap. We have highlighted the activities towards "open science" (openAIRE) system, introduction of a research base, development of anti-plagiarism system. We have overcome the first stage, by the way, only after partial transformations, now we are in the second stage of expertise. I hope we will succeed at this stage as well"; Evgenya Bazinyan noted.

Let’s recall, on October 7-8, an international conference within the frames of MINERVA project on access to education will be held at YSU.

MINERVA project, launched at the Moldovan Academy of Economics, is co-financed by the EU Erasmus + program, aims to strengthen the management of research in Universities in Moldova and Armenia, making science more accessible and affordable. The project aimed at creating and strengthening technical and content infrastructure in the field of research, introduction of a program fighting against plagiarism and academic ethics, research base creation and introduction.  Here are the project participants in Armenia: the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Republic of Armenia, Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE), Yerevan State University (YSU), Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (YSULS) and Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU).