A Working Consultation within the Frames of MINERVA Project

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ASUE is a member of the EU “Erasmus +” KA2 project “Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia (MINERVA) and within this framework carries out self-analysis in the field of scientific research. Today, ASUE International Programs Center hosted another in-house consultation on self-analysis issues, which was attended by Tatul Mkrtchyan, Vice Rector for Science, Nerses Gevorgyan, Head of Quality Assurance Division, project coordinator, team members (including students and PhD students).Tatul Mkrtchyan and Nerses Gevorgyan welcomed the participants of discussion, then pointed out the tasks, principles of work, upcoming events.

Nerses Gevorgyan told asue.am that the self-analysis should meet the 40 standards of the European Charter of Researchers, and added that it comes from ASUE strategy. The outcomes should be submitted to the EURAXESS (Pan-European Research Platform) Secretariat. As a result, it is planned to become a member of EURAXESS, to receive a degree of excellence.

It’s a three-year-project.

Let’s recall, the project aimed at creating and strengthening technical and content infrastructure in the field of research, introduction of a program fighting against plagiarism and academic ethics, research base creation and introduction. The project is implemented in Moldova and Armenia. Here are the project participants in Armenia: the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Republic of Armenia, Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE), Yerevan State University (YSU), Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (YSULS) and Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU). Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova coordinates the project.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division