ASUE Chair of Management Discusses HRM Features

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Ongoing seminars on actual topics are being held at ASUE. Today, the Chair of Management presented the scientific topic entitled “Features of Competency-Based Human Resource Management in RA Organizations”. The seminar was attended by Vice Rector for Science Tatul Mkrtchyan, Director of AMBERD research center Davit Hakhverdyan, Senior Researcher Samvel Avetisyan, researchers of the center, members of academic staff.

Acting Head of the Chair of Management Khoren Mkhitaryan welcomed the attendees and gave the floor to the speaker – Assistant Professor of the Chair, PhD in Economics Vardanush Manucharyan.

The speaker has many years of experience in the field of human resources management and has practically commented on the HRM anchored on competences in Armenian organizations.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division