Chair of International Economic Relations Reported Scientific and Research Activity

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Today, the Chair of International Economic Relations reported the outcomes of scientific and research activity in 2019. The seminar was attended by Tatul Mkrtchyan, Vice Rector for Science, Davit Hakhverdyan, Director of AMBERD research center, Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of the Division of Organization of Scientific-research Affairs, Grigor Nazaryan, Dean of the Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, acting Head of the above mentioned Chair, Yevgenya Bazinyan, Head of PhD Division, lectors, collaborators, PhDs, students.

The Head of Chair welcomed the attendees, then the members of Chairs – Albert Hayrapetyan, Assistant Professor, PhD in Economics, Susanna Aghajanyan, Assistant Professor, PhD in Economics, Anna Pakhlyan, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics, reported presenting urgent issues for discussion. Professor Zoya Tatevosyan, Davit Hakhverdyan and other participants made suggestions on the presented reports at the end of the seminar.

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