Another Training Course for HRM Specialists and People Interested in the Field

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On January 26, online training course “Basics of Human Resource Management” organized by ASUE Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division started. The organization of short-term training courses becomes one of the stable components of ASUE activity. More than a dozen organized courses were highlighted not only by ASUE staff and students, but also by specialists in various fields.

The course is conducted by Nane Zeynalyan, a coach with many years of experience in the field of human resource management, who has provided HR consulting in a number of Armenian organizations, Head of the Human Resources Management and Organizational Development Department of Basic Corporation.

“People with different professional orientations take part in the training, including ASUE students, ASUE employee, lawyer, we also have a student-participant from Artsakh. Regardless of their specialization, the participants expect to get the most out of the course, to apply the acquired knowledge, skills in current projects or to manifest as a human resource management specialist”; Nane Zeynalyan told

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division