ASUE Representatives Took Part in the Online Session of the AESC

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On January 22, Association of European Studies for the Caucasus conducted an online session, attended by Sona Matinyan, Head of ASUE International Relations Division, Arpine Jraghatspanyan, collaborator of the same Division, Albert Hayrapetyan and Susanna Aghajanyan, Assistant Professors at the Chair of International Economic Relations.

Albert Hayrapetyan presented Jean Monnet Module "EU politics, policies and polity" implemented at ASUE within "Erasmus +" program and ''The EU and the EEU: Between Conflict and Competition, Convergence and Cooperation'' Jean Monnet Network program.

The mentioned Association is a non-profit organization, which unites the specialists engaged in European scientific publications in the field of European studies in the South Caucasus countries. Working with Association of European Studies for the Caucasus enables ASUE to establish wide cooperation ties.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division

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