“Financial Pyramids and Money Laundering” Presented the RA CB Analyst

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Today, another open lecture was conducted by Zaruhi Avakimyan, Analyst at the Financial Monitoring Center of the Central Bank of Armenia. She reported on “Financial Pyramids and Money Laundering”. The meeting was attended by Tatul Mkrtchyan, Vice Rector for Science, Grigor Nazaryan, Dean of the Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, lectors, staff members, students.

Tatul Mkrtchyan made opening remarks, welcomed the attendees, noting that Zaruhi Avakimyan would report on an actual topic for both the World and for Armenia and gave the floor to the speaker.

First, Zaruhi Avakimyan briefly presented the activities of the Financial Monitoring Center, noting that it is engaged in the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing in the Republic of Armenia, within frames of which financial and other information is collected, analyzes are carried out and presented to the relevant authorities. Then report on "Financial Pyramids and Money Laundering", presenting a general description of financial pyramids, the negative consequences of their operations, noting that they are mainly aimed at the real sector of the economy, touched upon various types of financial pyramids, network marketing and other information presenting financial pyramids.

Lusine Aghajanyan, Assistant Professor at the Chair of International Economic Relations, held the meeting within the frames of “Currency Relations” topic taught by the above mentioned Chair.

Grigor Nazaryan, Dean of the Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, acting Head of the Chair of IER, highlighted open lectures held by ASUE, noting that they enable students to gain information regarding the practical field.

ASUE Media and Public Relation Division