ASUE and Shushi Technological University will Cooperate in Educational, Educational-Scientific Fields

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Armenian State University of Economics and Shushi Technological University will carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in educational, research, teaching-methodological fields. Today, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan and Rector of Shushi University Hovhannes Tokmajyan signed a cooperation agreement. Lusine Danielyan, Director of ASUE External Relations Department, Ashot Markosyan, Head of YSU Chair of Innovation Economics were present at the meeting.

Diana Galoyan and Hovhannes Tokmajyan discussed the cooperation directions envisaged by the agreement, in particular, referred to the trainings, the implementation of joint researches, the issues of using library funds.

Hovhannes Tokmajyan highlighted the continuity of the University's life in the conditions of the new post-war realities, the development of educational and research directions, as well as the other directions envisaged by the agreement: development of joint programs, academic exchange of lecturers and students, implementation of information, sports and cultural events. The Rector expressed confidence that the cooperation with ASUE would be successful and effective.

ASUE Rector stressed readiness for cooperation and as a start, she invited 5 students to participate in ASUE Summer Educational Camp to be organized on July 19-22 in "Tntesaget" Sports-Health Resort, Dilijan.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division