Restructuring the University to Foundation: ASUE Board Session

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Today, ASUE Board regular session was held headed by Vahan Movsisyan, Board Chairman, President of Communities Finance Officers Association” NGO, attended by 22 Board members.

Welcoming the Board members, Vahan Movsisyan, introduced the agenda issue, that’s restructuring “Armenian State University of Economics” state non-profit organization to “Armenian State University of Economics” foundation.

Then the agenda issue was discussed, in the context of which - the charter of the foundation. Almost all members of the Board made dozens of suggestions and asked questions, which were clarified by the Board Chairman Vahan Movsisyan and the University Head Ruben Hayrapetyan.

With 21 for and 1 abstention the Board decided to restructure “Armenian State University of Economics” state non-profit organization to “Armenian State University of Economics” foundation, as well as to apply the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport within one month to submit ASUE Board’s decision to the RA Government’s discussion.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division