EU “Erasmus +”: Trained ASUE Representatives

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Our University academic staff goes on visiting partner Universities within EU “Erasmus +” program and establishing new and effective partnerships.

The regular visit was to Napier University (Great Britain). On June 17-21, Anahit Melkumyan, acting Head of the Chair of Labor Economics, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, and on June 1-7, Anush Gasparyan, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Financial Accounting, PhD in Economics, Vanine Yeranosyan, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Finance, PhD in Economics, attended training courses at the mentioned University.

Dr. Kirill Sharapov, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, coordinated the meeting.

Anush Gasparyan told ASUE Media and Public Relations Division, that she attended training entitled "Quantitative Research Methods through SPSS Program" with great interest and gained useful knowledge, particularly, to prepare models, having certain data analysis: production, financial, commercial.

Vanine Yeranosyan attended course entitled "Methods of Qualitative Study" (NVIVO program) and told us that only practical trainings were conducted, the participants, with the help of relevant experts, conducted a qualitative analysis and then discussed the outcomes together. Vanine Yeranosyan will apply the method in the research program she fulfills at ASUE, and will also discuss the training outcomes with the lecturers of the Chair, the method of conducting scientific research with the NVIVO program. In order to continue the cooperation, Vanine asked the expert of Napier University to conduct an online training for ASUE lectors.

Anahit Melkumyan submitted information on her visit, stating that the training was about new teaching technologies, and the speaker-specialists touched upon the effective ways to apply the latest technology while teaching, then key issues for publishing articles in scientific magazines were discussed.

"I highlighted the use of electronic resources in the learning process, which can be useful at our University also, as they stimulate lector-student collaboration, feedback and online discussions"; Anahit Melkumyan stated.

ASUE Professor also sought to strengthen cooperation with Napier University, reached agreement on inter-university and inter-chair collaboration.

Our University representatives established partnerships with lectors of foreign Universities attended the training courses.

Note, Foreign Relations Division of ASUE International Relations Department coordinates “Erasmus +” program at ASUE. More information regarding the program is available at ASUE official website under “International Programs” heading.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division