ASUE-DAAD Strengthening Partnership: Meeting with Acting Rector and Informative Meeting

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ASUE partnership with German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Information Center in Yerevan has several years of history. Today, the regular annual meeting with DAAD team in Armenia was held at ASUE.

Senior Programme Advisor Meri Navasardyan and DAAD Lector in Armenia Annegret Beier were hosted at ASUE acting Rector Diana Galoyan’s office.

The University Head, Director of ASUE International Relations Department Lusine Danielyan and Head of International Relations Division Vard Ghukasyan discussed a number of cooperation issues with the partners.

Then Meri Navasardyan presented a comprehensive report on DAAD scholarships touching upon Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD, research programs, as well as summer schools for ASUE students interested in education system at German Universities.

Tatevik Hovhannisyan, graduate of ASUE international economic relations specialty, DAAD scholarship holder (2018-2020), conducted the second part of the meeting. He is currently pursuing a Master's degree at Technical University of Munich (TUM) /2nd year of management and technology specialty/ and visited our University during the vocation and shared her experience and success story aimed at encouraging ASUE students.

Tatevik told the students about the advantages and disadvantages of studying, working in Germany, gave practical advice on how to apply and succeed in the program, then answered to their questions.

When being interviewed she told ASUE Media and Public Relations Division that while studying in Germany, she works as a research assistant.

“Both the quality of education and life is on the high level in Germany. Therefore, I call our students to be active, to apply to this program, to enrich their professional skills, and I am confident, that their education in abroad will help them to be competitive in Armenia in the future. My education of international expert- economist at ASUE, as well as my half-year study in Lithuania within the frames of “Erasmus +” are the basis for me to be more flexible in abroad, to be easily involved in a foreign cultural environment”; Tatevik stated.

Informative flyers on the program were awarded to students at the end of the meeting.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division