ASUE Collaborators Were Trained at Edinburgh Napier University

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Lilit Mkrtchyan, Leading Specialist of Foreign Relations Division and Astghik Hovhannisyan, Researcher of AMBERD research center were trained at Edinburgh Napier University (Great Britain) in April.

Within the frames of the administrative staff mobility program ASUE collaborators visited 3 branches of the mentioned University, attended a number of meetings and seminars, including the discussion of the University strategy. Lilit Mkrtchyan participated in informational meeting conducted for the students of Edinburgh Napier University leaving to study at foreign Universities, the requirements for the students, required documents, credit recognition process and other related issues were discussed.

Astghik Hovhannisyan attended the seminar entitled "Visual Methods and Ethnography in Interdisciplinary Studies”, during which the essence of visual methods and interdisciplinary studies, the importance and necessity of their application and study of the international peculiarities were presented.

Our delegates also presented ASUE educational system, the existing results and works carried out in the field of internationalization, the purpose and mission of creating AMBERD research center, the research directions and achievements of the center. Employees and students of Napier University got acquainted with the famous facts about Armenia and then became participants of Armenian hospitality.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division