ASUE has a special place in my heart: Frank Stixman has lectured at the University of Economics

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“Innovative business models in a fast changing world”: this is the topic of the professor of Saxion University of Applied Sciences of the Netherlands Frank Stixman. The professor was at ASUE and exchanged his experience in the sphere of business and technology with the students of the University of Economics.

The frames of the scientific interests of Frank Stixman are extensive including business models, supply chain management and data management. Mr. Stixman talked with future economists on UNO sustainable development goals, resistance to global challenges, possibilities of business models and highlighted the business models required by global environmental and social problems.

The professor presented his approaches on the role of the state and individual to resist environmental challenges and introduced the Dutch experience while speaking about innovative business models.

“We should develop accurate business models in response to social and environmental challenges. Information technology requires close cooperation with international partners in the context of data and knowledge-based economy. ASUE is an important partner for us in this respect when approaching global economic factors while developing innovative experiences in business”- the professor said.

This was not the first visit of Frank Stixman to ASUE. They established close and stable relations with the University of Economics during his first visit.

“The deep knowledge base, high quality specialists and scientific staff in ASUE assist them in overcoming the challenges the businesses face” – the professor pointed out.

In the end of the lecture, Frank Stixman had a university tour, visited “Amberd” Research Center, had a meeting with the director of the External Relations Department, heads of International Relations Division and Career Center.

“ASUE has a special place in my heart” – the professor confessed before leaving, and said that many mutual projects and programs were still to be realized.