ASUE as a Member of the European Research Family

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On December 17, 2021, the European Commission awarded the “HR Excellence in Research Award” to the Armenian State University of Economics.

We talked about the topic with Tatul Mkrtchyan, ASUE Vice Rector for Science.

- Mr. Mkrtchyan, first, we would like to congratulate You and ASUE members on the significant achievement. Please, can you present when the process of applying for the "HR Excellence in Research Award" started, what does it assume?

- "HR Excellence in Research Award" is a significant achievement for us. Realizing the need and urgency of developing institutional capacity in research and science, in 2019, ASUE initiated practical steps aimed at developing a strategy for human resource management for researchers, joining the EURAXESS pan-European researchers' platform, gaining a degree in research management.

“Erasmus +” project - “Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia / MINERVA” launched in 2019, enables the implementation of these steps more systematically, with clear schedule, and stability. MINERVA project aims to increase the efficiency of research management at Universities in Moldova and Armenia through the establishment and strengthening of technical and substantive infrastructure in the field of research, the introduction of anti-plagiarism and academic ethics structures, and the establishment and operation of a research archive, which should contribute to the development of open science.

"HR Excellence in Research Award" is an important tool in supporting the professional development of researchers. It is based on the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. These two documents were adopted by the European Commission in 2005 aimed at promoting research by creating the conditions necessary for the development of researchers and professional advancement, which should contribute to the development of more competitive, knowledge-based economies. The principles summarized in the documents are mainly aimed at increasing the attractiveness of research activities, creating an open and stable European labor market, promoting mobility, etc.

- What actions have been taken within the frames of the process of applying for the "HR Excellence in Research Award" and what obstacles have been faced in carrying it out?

- The process of applying to EURAXESS and "HR Excellence in Research Award" is a multi-step process and assumes a number of activities, the key of which is the analysis of the relevance of research at the University according to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. A working team of representatives of the administrative staff responsible for research activities, researchers and PhD students was formed at ASUE to carry out the Gap analysis. Due to the COVID pandemic situation, a series of online discussions, as well as large-scale surveys were conducted to determine the level of transparency and effectiveness of the procedures to promote and support the research.

The Policy for Open, Transparent Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) has been developed as part of the process of applying for the "HR Excellence in Research Award". It is an important component of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), promoting the practical application of the strategies and principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The above-mentioned concept plays a very important role in the development of professional skills, as well as in the involvement of foreign specialists in research work. An action plan has been developed as part of the process, the implementation of which will ensure to retouch the identified gaps/needs and to match them with the principles of the European Charter of Researchers and the principles and criteria of the Regulation on the Engagement of Researchers.

As for the difficulties, of course, they were. The main problem was the COVID and the limitations caused by it, and we faced new challenges.

Despite the difficulties caused by COVID, thanks to ASUE working team and, of course, responsible and experienced administrative staff, represented by Nerses Gevorgyan, ASUE Coordinator of "MINERVA" project and Evgenya Bazinyan, Head of PhD Division, we were able to apply to the "Degree of Excellence", to achieve the desired outcome through effective management, responsible approach and professional work.

I would like to thank ASUE working team once again, for creating favorable conditions for the development of research culture at the University, for the persistent, hard work aimed at obtaining the "HR Excellence in Research Award". I am sure that we will continue the steps of development of our policy towards this direction with the same diligence.

- What will this international recognition give to ASUE and what perspectives does it open for the University?

- The need for "HR Excellence in Research Award" and the expected positive impact on the University should be considered in two dimensions: at the level of institutional and individual researchers. At the institutional level it raises ASUE international recognition and attractiveness, conformity with the requirements of European programs, simplifies the process of membership in European institutions, confirms the existence of a consistent domestic policy in the field of human resources.

As for the impact of the "HR Excellence in Research Award" on individual researchers, it strengthens the consistent maintenance and implementation of ethical principles and professional responsibilities by researchers, provides greater transparency in recruitment, career development and mobility, contributes to their professional growth in scientific-research field and registration of high research outcomes.

-"HR Excellence in Research Award" is also aimed at developing the institutional capacity of human resources in the field of research and science. At what level is this policy carried out at ASUE?

- A number of activities carried out within the frames of the "MINERVA" project, some of which are still in process, have greatly contributed to the "HR Excellence in Research Award". We are already working on developing the institutional capacity of human resources in the field of research and science at the University. Being awarded this degree is a step towards open science, and ASUE academic community have already highlighted the necessity and advantage of the principles of open science by adopting a number of documents and strategic programs. We want to support the development of the capacity of scientists and researchers through significant change, creating motivating and transparent environment for their professional growth.

I am glad, that thanks to the support of the University teaching staff, management and administrative staff, we succeed in implementing our strategic steps in the field of education, science and research.

"HR Excellence in Research Award" is a significant event for the University, as it confirms that the policy of developing the institutional capacity of human resources in the field of research is well-founded at the University.

Of course, the award of this international degree does not mean that we have completed our activity towards this direction. Conversely, it's reaffirms the University's readiness and commitment to providing highly qualified, innovative research staff, supporting the professional growth of researchers, and recording high research outcomes, including at the international level. In addition, "HR Excellence in Research Award" is awarded for a period of three years, in order to maintain it, we must continue to carry out all necessary actions effectively.