ASUE - Three Quarters of My Life: Grigor Arkelatyan

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The warm and kind working memories of the young years of the senior generation of the University lecturers pass like a red line in the blitz interviews dedicated to the 45th anniversary. More than a dozen lecturers have already answered to our questions. It’s worth mentioning, the questions are the same for all interlocutors, but, of course, the answers are different. Each interview is the little story of ASUE, mixed with longing and love.

Today our interlocutor is Grigor Arkelatyan, Associate Professor at the Chair of Chair of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems, PhD in Economics.

- Describe your ASUE in one word or phrase.

- ASUE - three quarters of my life.

- How many years have you been working at ASUE?

-In 1969, I entered the Faculty of Economics of Yerevan State University and after that it’s already 51 years that my life and work are connected with the Faculty of Economics and later with our University.

- What brings you to University every day?

- Both the ambition to fulfill professional and work responsibilities and the opportunity to communicate with my beloved colleagues, as well as daily communication with my students, which allows me to feel young and often forget my age. This is a really unique opportunity that my job gives me. And that makes me so happy. As one famous poet noted, happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening.

- Do you remember when you first come to ASUE, maybe as a student…?

- In 1969, when I finished school, I felt armed with so much knowledge, but when I entered the University on September 1, the first I felt that I was very young. And I came to ASUE for the first time in 1975 as a post-graduate student: from the first day of the foundation of our University.

The whole interview is available in the Armenian version.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division