ASUE Lector Delivered an Online Lecture within the frames of REFINE Project

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On January 25, Armine Schanyan, Associate Professor at the Chair of Finance, Ph.D in Economics, delivered an online lecture within the frames of “Reforming Master Programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova” (REFINE) “Erasmus +” Capacity Building in Higher Education project entitled “Planning and Budgeting of Programs and Projects”.

Armine Schanyan submitted the information to, noting that she got invited by the Comrat State University, Moldova. The lecture was presented in two parts, considering the discussion of the key issues at the macro and micro levels.

"Through the historical review, the international experience was touched upon, the structural components of the new systemic approaches were mentioned, the possibilities of introducing important elements fixed by the international standard in the public sector in the context of the current reforms were emphasized. The online lecture was concluded with a question and answer session, which was attended by more than 40 listeners, both Master’s degree students of the Chair of Accounting and Finance, and faculty members. The organization of the process with this format reaffirms the effectiveness of the REFINE program in terms of ensuring the continuity of cooperation"; Armine Schanyan noted.

More information regarding the project is available under “International Programs” section ( See the project official website.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division