ASUE SSS will Support Students to be Engaged in Research Activity

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On October 20, an info-meeting ahead of ASUE 40th Student Scientific Society (SSS) - "The RA Economy: Challenges and Priorities", was held at ASUE Conference Hall, during which the students got the answers to their questions,  useful tips and support by ASUE Rector, the SSS organizers and Faculty facilitators.

Welcoming the students, emphasizing the importance of conducting research, ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan expressed hope that the info-meeting would guide students, would motivate to be engaged in research, participate in conferences, publish scientific articles.

"Do not be afraid of criticism, conversely, if you do not agree, respond to that criticism, be brave, don’t be afraid of making mistakes, because you can learn from them"; Diana Galoyan stated.

The Rector also added that the best researches will be published in "Young Scientist" periodical, and the students with outstanding research skills will have the opportunity to cooperate with ASUE AMBERD Research Center, to publish articles in AMBERD bulletin. Students, who take the 1st-3rd places in the interuniversity stage will get monetary prizes.

Tatul Mkrtchyan, Vice-Rector for Science, also urged the students to be engaged in research activity more seriously, as modern education is not complete without research.

"Research skills should be developed through research, which can later become the main type, direction of your activity, providing income in the future. Research is also an important component of self-education. So, let’s start"; Tatul Mkrtchyan called, expressing hope that students with research skills and interest will be very active this year, and the successful research will, in its turn, be a stimulus for new ones.

The students got acquainted with the Faculty facilitators of the SSS. The latter will meet with the students next week according to the schedule.

  • Gayane Avagyan – October 27, at 13:30 (Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, N 302 room),
  • Marine Arakelyan – October 29, 13:30 (Faculty of Management, N 207 room),
  • Srbuhi Israyelyan – October 28, at 13:30 (Faculty of Finance, N 211 room),
  • Narine Mirzoyan – October 29, at 13:30 (Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, N 11 room),
  • Maria Sahakyan – October 29, at 13:30 (Faculty of Marketing and Business Organization, n 310 room),
  • Anush Shirinyan – October 29, at 13:30 (Faculty of Computer Science and Statistics, N 205 room)

Let’s recall, deadline for submitting articles is December 30.

More information regarding the session is available in the previously posted publication.