“Boghboj” – Unique Measure by Marketer Students

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Today, the 3rd students of ASUE Chair of Marketing initiated “Boghboj” exhibition-sale measure within the frames of “Corporate Social Responsibility” course, which had social orientation: as an earned profit modern professional books for students of marketing specialties, mainly foreign languages, will be bought.

Broshes with Armenian motifs, sweet gifts, illustrated glasses, unique packaging ... the colorful assortment of sales offered by ASUE members was dedicated to women and was created on March 8. Visitors and buyers of the exhibition were representatives of the academic staff, members of the Student Council, students and guests. The measure is conducted by Lilit Kolyan, lecturer of the course, Associate Professor of the Chair of Marketing, PhD in Economics and she noted that such kind of measures would be continued.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division