Strengthening Cooperation: Ruben Hayrapetyan Hosted Director of "Rosgosstrakh Armenia" Company

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Today, Ruben Hayrapetyan, ASUE acting Rector hosted Gagik Grigoryan, Executive Director of “Rosgosstrakh” insurance company, Anahit Astabattsyan, Head of HRM division. The meeting was attended by Anna Aslanyan, Head of the Chair of Banking and Insurance, Doctor of Sciences, Professor.

Welcoming the guests Ruben Hayrapetyan stated that University of Economics is in changing stage, plans to review and make the internship process more effective, reform the educational programs and in this context, cooperation with the employer is highlighted.

“We attach great importance to collaborating with employers in organizing internship, reforming educational programs, and especially in the formulation of educational outcomes, and in this context, we conduct meetings and discussions with different organizations. University of Economics has central and important role in our State economic life, and I am sure that these changes will contribute to ensuring a qualitative mobility"; ASUE acting Rector stated.

Ruben Hayrapetyan touched upon the directions of bilateral cooperation, pointing out short-term trainings, expert consultation. “Now we have introduced a new approach and the first initiative was greatly interested students. We want to conduct short-time trainings by specialists from practical sector. We are able to submit expert consultation considering our scientific and research potential”; the University Head noted.

Gagik Grigoryan, Executive Director, “Rosgosstrakh” insurance company thanked for the meeting, stating that the company was ready to strengthen the existing cooperation with the University, to support new initiatives and programs for both students and lecturers. Gagik Grigoryan also noted that the company can suggest some kind of job for students. Responding to this suggestion Ruben Hayrapetyan noted that “Student Job” idea is going to be strengthen at University of Economics aimed at including students in the University activity with a symbolic salary.

Anahit Astabatsyan and Anna Aslanyan presented the previous experience of cooperation between the University and the company. The sides underlined that the interaction should be strengthened, the format would be reviewed and new programs and initiatives would be included.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division