Educational for Drone (eDrone). ASUE lecturers have been trained in Italy

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ASUE Foreign Relations Division informs, that acting head of the chair of Marketing, Associate Professor Vadim Grigoryan, Associate Professor Lilit Dadayan and Assistant Professor at the Chair of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems Argam Artashyan participated in the training program at Italian University of Sannio from September 30 to October 13 within the framework of the "Erasmus +" "Educational for Drone (eDrone)" №574090-EPP-1-2016-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP project. Vadim Grigoryan and Lilit Dadayan considered this visit as a useful experience and a new beginning of international cooperation. According to Vadim Grigoryan, at the theoretical and practical trainings they studied the structure of drones and implemented 3D modeling of drones. ASUE representatives returned from Italy ready to deepen cooperation with foreign partners.
Highlighting the exchange of acquired knowledge and experience a meeting with students was organized on October 18 by the initiative of Foreign Relations Division, head of the Chair of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems, professor Vardan sargsyan and and Argam Artashyan. Vardan Sargsyan emphasized the importance of the project, and Argam Artashyan presented the gained knowledge about the use of drones, their usage in different fields of economy (agriculture, construction, production, emergency situations, environment), their peculiarities and usefulness.
Our partners remind that “eDrone” is a three-year project launched on October 15, 2016. The aim of project is to establish a learning environment to deliver more opportunities to access new competences related to the use of drone technologies in professional activities.
Detailed information is available on the official website of the project and on the ASUE official website in the "International Programs" section.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division