Educational changes expected by the students: debate of English-speakers

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ASUE chair of languages by the initiative of English language lecturer Anahit Shahinyan organized an interesting debate on "Change". The best English-speaker 2nd and 3rd year students of Finance and Management departments participated in the event. Acting head of the chair of Languages, Doctor of Philology, associate professor Lusine Harutyunyan and the lecturers of the same chair were present in the event.
Anahit Shahinyan, presenting the subject, expressed conviction that the changes were the ongoing process of our life and the basis of progress. Some of the students noted that they were always ready to make changes, and some admitted that they were often "afraid" of them. Gohar Grigoryan (2nd year, Department of Finance), Zhanna Voskanyan, Diana Harutyunyan, Lusine Galstyan, Mary Avagyan (Finance Department, 3rd year), Siranush Mkhitaryan (Management Department, 3rd year) presented their reports on the topic. The audience especially focused on the reports on educational changes. The speakers touched upon the dynamics of the development of education. As a result of the discussion, ASUE members presented their educational needs. They also touched upon the role of a modern lecturer as a directing advisor. According to students, our educational system is on the path of their dreamed one. In general, the members of the meeting came to the conclusion that change is innovation, one of the most important components of the development.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division