Lecturers Trained in France Presented Modern Teaching Methods at ASUE

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ASUE joins a number of European programs in the context of improving the quality of education. Our lectors attend events held in abroad, get acquainted with the educational programs of leading universities, modern teaching methods.

Karen Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of Macroeconomics at ASUE, Edgar Aghabekyan, Associate Professor at the Chair of Finance, Vanine Yeranosyan, Assistant Professor, Gayane Harutyunyan, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Banking and Insurance, held 2-week training at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, within the frames of Reforming Master Programmes In Finance In Armenia And Moldova (REFINE), “Erasmus +” KA 2.

Today, they invited their colleagues to share their knowledge of the content of the “Corporate Finance” course and general teaching methodology in Europe, as well as jointly discuss the application methods at ASUE. The meeting was attended by Faculty members, Vard Ghukasyan, Head of International Relations Division and collaborators.

Vanine Yeranosyan, Edgar Aghabekyan, Gayane Harutyunyan and Karen Grigoryan reported the training outcomes.

They emphasized knowledge, skills, capacity building pathways, curriculum development principles, online platforms to maximize student engagement in the course, the importance of feedback, the re-evaluation and European understanding of the university mission, modern trends in the European education market, challenges. Active discussion was held.

Note, “Corporate Finance” reformed Master’s degree program was introduced at ASUE as a result of involvement in REFINE project, which already has 28 students.

International Relations Division of ASUE Foreign Relations Department coordinates REFINE project at ASUE. See more information under “International Programs” section.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division