AMBERD Expert Attended Round Table Discussion

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On September 26, Corporate Governance Center organizes round table discussion entitled “The Importance of Joint Business Actions in the Fight Against Corruption” within the frames of cooperation with Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE).

Samvel Avetisyan, Senior Expert of ASUE AMBERD Research Center, participated in the event. The participants actively discussed the speeches of Narine Melikyan, Director of Corporate Governance Center and Frank Brown, the Director of the Anti-Corruption and Management Center of CIPE. The analysis of the anti-corruption experience in Thailand, Ukraine, Moldova and other countries and the comparison of the processes in Armenia with them was of great importance .

Samvel Avetisyan stated that the round table discussion was important in discussing the mechanisms for introducing this valuable experience in Armenia. ASUE Professor noted that the introduction of this experience in Armenia will require a great deal of effort by both the Government, the scientific community and civil society.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division