Gifts, Love and Smiles to Artsakh Children and Soldiers Wounded in the War: Student Council’s Initiative

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On New Year's Eve, it is necessary to give smiles and warmth to Artsakh children and soldiers who were wounded in the Artsakh war - this confidence of the ASUE Student Council inspired a good initiative.

Recently, the Student Council announced the collection of gifts. The initiative found a wide response among University students, and starting from December 27, members of the Student Council in different cities and towns of Armenia present gifts to children who arrived from Artsakh and soldiers undergoing treatment.

While beining interviewed, the Chairman of the Student Council Gor Melik-Sahakyan emphasized that they  gave both gifts to children and soldiers, and conveyed love and warmth, which everyone tried to put into their gift. Books, sweets, writing materials, toys, warm hats, etc. - gifts are varied. Of course, the organizers of the event organize a New Year's show for children with the participation of Santa Claus, and for the wounded soldiers they always find words of gratitude and inspiration.

Today, representatives of the Student Council are on their way to Dilijan and Tsakhkadzor, where they will congratulate the children, and then they will go to Vanadzor to visit the wounded. The Student Council concludes the year with such a kind deed, with hope and faith in a peaceful future.

P.S. Photos are  submitted by the ASUE Student Council.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division